Our youth are a very important part of FBC Pageland life! The youth help lead in our worship services on a regular basis and at times, will lead on Wednesday nights during the youth service in The Pit – our youth hangout. Currently, our youth are meeting on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30. Though our youth normally meet for Sunday School on Sunday morning and Bible Study on Sunday nights, these are suspended for now. On occasion they join with our adults for inter-generational studies to help promote relationship building between these two groups. FBC youth enjoy going on retreats, events, Passport camps and other trips during the school year.
Our youth are led by Kelly Miller with assistance from Barbie Outlaw, Scott & Sheila Sims and Rusty Miller.
Youth Times:
Sundays: Sunday School at 9am, Worship at 10am, Bible Study from 6-7pm.
Wednesdays: Youth from 6:30-7:30pm.
We would love to have your youth join us!